Thursday, August 21, 2008

Almost there

I am looking forward to Venice for a number of reasons, one of them being that I will get away from all the construction! Currently in a my neighbourhood, my entire street is ripped up to do something with the gas pipes (they ripped up everyone's driveways too - but don't worry, they gave us plywood to cover the holes), Bathurst St is closed for TTC construction - not sure exactly what, but probably something to do with streetcars, My back-neighbours decided to add an extension or do something equally exciting that involved a jackhammer, and to top it off, my roof was leaking so it had to be replaced too. AAAHHHHHH this is why I left Kingston in the first place!!!

Ok, back to business. Venice may be sinking, but at least it's doing it quietly. There are no cars in Venice. None. just boats, probably loud boats, but I'll deal. Also, Venice looks to be the same temperature as Toronto (well, maybe 4 or 5 degrees warmer) but it's actually much hotter than that because of the 50%-90% humidity on a daily basis. Yes, you read that right, on any given day it feels 10 degrees hotter because of the wetness of the city.

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