Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day one – the opening act

So I went to bed at 9 pm last night. Passed out actually. I woke up at 7 am and was one of the first up. We had an indoor breakfast because it’s cold in the morning. No cloud cover = no heat retention. Although by the time we sat down for lunch it was hot enough for people to be complaining about their long-sleeved shirts.

Walter sat us down in the courtyard and made us introduce ourselves (again), which turned out to be nice, turns out there are 5 Torontonians and one Quebecer (Armand). We were tourists today, we saw the place where the festival is showing certain features the day after they are screened at the festival. Then we saw San Marco, which was packed. We spent a lot of time learning where we were in relation to our villas. Hopefully I will not get lost now.

Oh, I love Europe for one very good reason: we housemates and I just bought 3 litres of wine for…€5.55. I gave her a tip.

I took many pictures, which will appear on Facebook soon for those who wish to see them. Walter wasn’t very clear about our internships, so I still don’t know what I’ll be doing. Tomorrow we visit the Lido!

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