Friday, August 29, 2008

Day five - L'Oreal Make-Up Room

So you know how Project Runway always mentions the L'Oreal Make-Up Room? Well, there's one here too. And the access is restricted. I spent the morning running around finding the right dress for the actress I'm assisting, bringing the wrong one and then sitting feeling incompetent for the rest of the day. Everything is a learning experience though, so I'm trying to learn from this by thinking that I will never be a personal assistant. I had to work my magic to get into the L'Oreal Make-up Room twice, and then sat listening ti Japanese interviews for the rest of the day.

On the up side, Ryo Ishibashi is really nice. He is a Japanese actor of some report and we had a nice chat about Canada (ahh, the Canada card works wonders here in Italy) in between his interviews. Also, I found a bunch of co-interns and we went to see $e11.0u7 which starred my new crush, Peter Davis. Then we went to see Lonsj (Cold Lunch) which had great cinematography and acting, but the most Norwegian (read: weird, depressing) story line that I've seen in a while and that didn't really have an ending.

Tomorrow I'm planning on seeing the early screening of The Burning Plain. Will see how that goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Canada card DOES's wonderful haha.

Sounds like you're seeing some cool films there =)