Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day six - Missed boats, missed parties, found films

We decided to get up early (i.e. about 8 of us from the two houses) and go to the 8:30 am screening of THe Burning Plain. Helin and Ariela left earlier than me and then called frantically from the boat to say that Helin forgot her accreditation. I went scrounging through Helin's stuff, couldn't find it, so Katrina and I ran to make the vaporetto, missed it anyway, thought we would be late, and then found out that it was actually Ariela who forgot her accreditation, went back, got it, and caught the next vaporetto. Kat and I spent the entire trip over thinking that we wouldn't be let in because we were 10 minutes late, but luckily the theatre had seats left and we were able to see the film.

Go see The Burning Plain when it opens. It's a romance of sorts, and explores the character of the protagonist at three different points in her life. The cinematography is quite stunning (New Mexico is beautiful) and Charlize Theron gives a good performance.

After that I went to work for Richard Lormand (well, I was actually working for Federico, Richard's assistant). Micah and I spent a few hours signing in reporters for their interviews with Takeshi Kitano about his new film, Achilles and the Tortoise, after which we went to see two more films. Bo and Larry joined us for these ones: Goodbye Solo and Nowhere Man, both of which I would recommend seeing, but I think you'll have to search for them.

Goodbye Solo is in English, but really hard to follow because the protagonist has a strong Senegalese accent, his foil has a strong Southern-U.S. accent, and his step-daughter has a strong Mexican accent. The film itself has many stunning views of Winston-Salem, NC in Autumn, but which seem out of place with the deep plot. I'd see it again though.

Nowhere Man is Belgian, but in Flemish, and has some typical Scandinavian elements such as a total lack of conclusion and some graphic sex scenes. I really liked it though, and Bo said it was her favourite film so far.

By this point it was 7:30 so the four of us headed back to mainland to get ready for the Queer Lion party. We ate dinner, dressed and then I went out with Courtney and Alex, wandered around for hours trying to find the party, couldn't find it, went to the party for Plastic CIty, got free Mojitos at 2 am, wandered for a bit longer and finally got home at 4 am.

Definitely looking forward to the omelets that Armand promised to make us.

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