Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day twelve - Last day

The church bells woke me up at 7:30, I'm usually up by that point, but I slept in today. Courtney rolled over and said, "It's 7:30 and our screening is at 8:30." I said, "that means making the 7:55 am vaporetto and I'm not ok with that." She rolled over, and the who should walk in but A-Diz who shook us both awake and said that he had just walked 30 minutes and we had to come with him. Courtney complied, I did not.

Apparently, The Wrestler was a good film, but another one that probably is not best seen at 8:30 am. Alex and I managed to make the next film though, Il Seme de Discordia or The Seed of Discord. Somehow, this film made it into competition, but it is terrible. Not only does it not follow a decent plot, but in the end, it essentially says that rape is ok if one party is in love with the other (no matter what the secondary party says).

Mary, A-Diz and I went back to Venice and I did some shopping. I hadn't had any time before this, so I took my time. I'm not a very good consumer though, so I didn't buy that much stuff, but the stuff I did buy is really awesome and hopefully not too tourist-trappy.

Packed my bags, and now we're heading out to Harry's for Bellinis and then to the Shark Bar so I can post these. Catch ya on the morrow.

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