Friday, September 12, 2008

The Ultimate Entry

I've been back in Canada for almost a week now, and I thought I should end off with a recap of things that I miss about Venice.

I miss the humidity and the clear air. I miss "I need a Coca Light" and 8:30 screenings. I miss the good food and taking a boat to work in the morning.

There are things I don't miss, but for the most part everything is turning up roses in my memories.

When I got back to Toronto and was immediately whisked off to dinner with a tour group.* They were entertained by my stories and wanted my opinions of films that were showing in both Venice and Toronto.

The next day (after being awake for 23 hours and sleeping for only 6) I went to see 3 films at TIFF. I saw Who Do You Love, Slumdog Millionaire, and Les Plages D'Agnes. While I wouldn't recommend seeing Who Do You Love, the other two are worthwhile, and I particularly enjoyed Slumdog Millionaire.

I'm back in Kingston now, so this blog has become obsolete. The next time I go abroad, I'll start up a new blog and post the link here. Thanks for reading!

*My dad plays tour guide to some people who go to TIFF every year through Smithsonian Journeys. They are for the most part not cinematically trained, but they do enjoy watching films (obviously).

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