Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day eleven - Kathryn Bigelow

Another day, another early movie. This one was at 8:00 am because The Hurt Locker is 2 hours long, and it's heavy. Before the opening credits, a quote appears with the words "war is a drug" marked out. That is the essence of a film centred around a squad of bomb diffusers stationed in Baghdad. I'm not sure how well it will be received in the States, considering the protest yesterday.

Aaron David (A-Diz) had a meeting with Matt and Liz from Premiere to work on the above-mentioned film. I stuck along for the ride, and we both helped out for a couple hours. We got to meet Kathryn Bigelow very briefly before she went to lunch and then we went off to see our friends. Jose had informed us of the closing night party for the Short Film Festival on San Sorvolo, so we headed back early to get ready.

Before that though, was a party thrown by SAGindie to celebrate our end of internships. Alexis and Scott came by and Armand put his event planning skills to good use. There were speeches and we had a good time. Then we went to San Sorvolo and had a blast at the party.

Mary and I were the first to leave at - get this - 2:20 am. There was only one vaporetto after that one, at 3:20. We crashed into bed after 3:15 after a longish vaporetto ride to San Marco and a 15 minute walk home from there.

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