Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day four - Tilda Swinton

So, I was this close to meeting Tilda Swinton today. Walter scheduled a round table with her for 3:30 pm, but I was picking up an actress (Lika Minamoto) from the airport at that time, so I missed it. Apparently she talks a lot (hmmm, reminds me and answered questions quite eloquently.

I traveled a lot today went to the Lido twice (total travel time c. 2 hours) went to the airport and back (total travel time 3 hours) and window shopped (read: went into the stores and touched the clothing) for another hour. Lika is very nice and luckily for me she speaks better English than I do French, so everything worked out well.

aside: The mosquitos are killer here. Not only are they huge, but the sting hurts for days. I have been bitten at least 12 times since I got here and it's taking all of my will-power to not scratch them. On the up side, Venice does not stink as much as people say it does. Certain canals, yes, but there is enough wind (and little enough rain) to dispel the smell from major ones.


Judy said...

that's the thing about festivals: if you do one interesting or fun thing, you miss out on one or more other interesting/fun thing. Great that there are so many to choose from!

Unknown said...

You don't talk THAT much... ;p

Sounds like you're having an incredible time in Benice (B is purposeful), just one question - is the military actually standing guard at certain locations? the crazy right-wing Government they have now put that into law.

Rachael Glassman said...

Yes, the military is here as well as the local police and the carabinieri (a civilian police force that only Italy could have thought of).